04 February 2015
It's Not Too Late to Employ the Magic of this Bestselling Cellulite Cream for Valentine's Day | Cel-Lab Slim | #2 Bestseller in Slimming Creams (Beauty) on Amazon.com
Watch this short bestselling cellulite cream video to learn more.
01 February 2015
22 January 2015
What the hell is going on with you, Litchaos?
25 September 2014
Going from Blogger to WordPress but holding on for my Sacred Calendar Daysign Reading Blog
Link to the Sacred Calendar Blog featuring readings of Cholq'ij Daysigns (Mayan Wisdom)
The domain name litchaos.com is still belonging to litchaos. Anybody want to buy it?
13 August 2014
Engrishy, No!
03 July 2013
Prediksi ISL Gresik United vs Persija Jakarta 5 Juli 2013
Prediksi Gresik United Vs Persija - kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi update terbaru seputar Prediksi Gresik United Vs Persija 5 Juli 2013 pada ajang laga lanjutan ISL. Sebelumnya saya juga telah memberikan informasi update prediksi bola lainnya yang mempertemukan Prediksi Arema Vs PSPS 4 Juli 2013 pada ajang Laga lanjutan ISL.
Siapakah menurut prediksi Anda yang akan memenangkan laga kali ini dan berapakah Skor Akhir yang akan tercipta dari sepanjang pertandingan yang akan berlangsung? Untuk menjawab semua itu, joinbet188.com telah merangkumnya dalam bentuk Statistik Pertandingan dibawah ini.
Head To Head Gresik United vs Persija Jakarta:
12 Feb 2013 Persija 2 - 2 Gresik United (ISL)
22 Apr 2012 Gresik United 2 - 0 Persija (ISL)
12 Mar 2012 Persija 2 - 0 Gresik United (ISL)
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Gresik United:
29 Jun 2013 Gresik United 5 - 1 PSPS Pekanbaru (ISL)
24 Jun 2013 Pelita Bandung Raya 1 - 2 Gresik United (ISL)
19 Jun 2013 Sriwijaya FC 2 - 1 Gresik United (ISL)
14 Jun 2013 Arema 1 - 1 Gresik United (ISL)
03 Jun 2013 Gresik United 2 - 1 Persib (ISL)
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Persija Jakarta:
30 Jun 2013 Arema 3 - 1 Persija (ISL)
26 Jun 2013 Persija 5 - 0 Persita Tangerang (ISL)
16 Jun 2013 Persela 1 - 1 Persija (ISL)
13 Jun 2013 Persepam Madura United 0 - 1 Persija (ISL)
04 Jun 2013 Persija 2 - 3 Persipura (ISL)
Untuk berita selengkapnya dapat anda lihat di sini : Prediksi Gresik United vs Persija Jakarta 5 Juli 2013
01 July 2013
Prediksi Bola Nigeria vs Uruguay 3 Juli 2013
Bullshit Rodeo by Misti Rainwater-Lites
The Animated Prologue: Glyphic based on work by Ralph-Michael Chiaia
The New Perma-Free Status of Triagulum Stain: Attack of the Replicating Alien Dildos
Prediksi Nigeria vs Uruguay 3 Juli 2013 World Cup U20 - Prediksi Hasil Skor Pertandingan Nigeria vs Uruguay 3 Juli 2013 World Cup U20 - Bursa Pasar Taruhan Bola Nigeria vs Uruguay 3 Juli 2013 World Cup U20 - Selain Pertandingan Yunani vs Uzbekistan - Rabu 3 Juli 2013 Juga Akan Di Gelar Pertandingan Piala Dunia Under 20 Lainya Yang Akan Mempertemukan Pertandingan Antara Nigeria vs Uruguay.

Prediksi Nigeria U-20 vs Uruguay U-20 - Uruguay U20 belum benar-benar pergi dalam kompetisi ini dan kebenaran belum benar-benar disesuaikan dengan kondisi. Dalam pertandingan 1st mereka hadapi sampai dengan kelompok saingan Kroasia. Uruguay adalah favorit besar untuk permainan tetapi tidak pernah pergi untuk membentuk sama sekali. Uruguay tidak bisa tenang sama sekali dan sisi Kroasia kuat benar-benar masuk ke mereka dan pada waktu yang lebih sinis. Uruguay yang terbaik kedua untuk waktu yang lama dan tidak bisa menyamai fisik dari Kroasia. Game kedua melihat garis Selandia Baru dan sebenarnya itu sangat satu sisi, sisi Oceania adalah tim yang terbatas dan hampir tidak terancam sama sekali. Uruguay bekerja keras sedikit lagi meskipun dan tidak pernah benar-benar menciptakan banyak. Kemenangan 2-0 adalah imbalan yang adil dan kemungkinan melihat mereka membuat babak sistem gugur. Satu pemain yang telah berdiri untuk Uruguay adalah playmaker Giorgian De Arrascaeta. Sedikit maju mencetak salah satu tujuan dari kompetisi sejauh ini dengan tendangan jarak jauh yang luar biasa gratis.
Head To Head Pertandingan Nigeria vs Uruguay :
Belum Pernah Bertemu Sebelumnya
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Nigeria :
27 Jun 2013 Republica de Corea Sub 20 0 - Nigeria Under 20 1 ( Piala Dunia U20 )
24 Jun 2013 Cuba Sub 20 0 - Nigeria Under 20 3 ( Piala Dunia U20 )
22 Jun 2013 Nigeria Under 20 2 - Portugal Sub 20 3 ( Piala Dunia U20 )
29 Mar 2013 Nigeria Under 20 2 - Mali Sub 20 1 ( Africa - CAF U20 Championship )
26 Mar 2013 Egypt U20 2 - Nigeria Under 20 0 ( Africa - CAF U20 Championship )
5 Pertandingan Terakhir Uruguay :
29 Jun 2013 Uzbekistan Sub 20 0 - Uruguay Sub 20 4 ( Piala Dunia U20 )
26 Jun 2013 Nueva Zelanda Sub 20 0 - Uruguay Sub 20 2 ( Piala Dunia U20 )
24 Jun 2013 Uruguay Sub 20 0 - Croacia Sub 20 1 ( Piala Dunia U20 )
4 Feb 2013 Uruguay Sub 20 1 - Ecuador Sub-20 0 ( Amerika Selatan U20 )
31 Jan 2013 Paraguay Sub 20 1 - Uruguay Sub 20 0 ( Amerika Selatan U20 )
Prediksi Squad Formasi Dan Susunan Pemain Utama Kedua Tim :
Nigeria Under 20 ( 4-3-3 ) : Chukwunenye Samuel Okani ( Kiper ), Onyinye Wilfred Ndidi ( Bek ), Kingsley Madu ( Bek ), Abdullahi Shehu ( Bek ), Ikechukwu Okorie ( Bek ), Michael Olaitan ( Gelandang ), Abdul Ajagun ( Gelandang ), Ovbokha Agboyi ( Gelandang ), Aminu Umar ( Penyerang ), Olarenwaju Kayode ( Penyerang ), Alhaji Salisu Abdullhi Gero ( Penyerang ).
Uruguay Sub 20 ( 4-2-3-1 ) : G. De Amores ( Kiper ), G. Silva ( Bek ), G. Varela ( Bek ), G. Rodríguez ( Bek ), J. Giménez ( Bek ), L. Pais ( Gelandang ), S. Cristóforo ( Gelandang ), G. De Arrascaeta ( Gelandang ), D. Laxalt ( Gelandang ), F. Acevedo ( Gelandang ), N. López ( Penyerang ).
Bursa Pasar Taruhan Bola
Nigeria 0 : 0 Uruguay
Prediksi Agen Judi Bola Score88.Com Untuk Nigeria vs Uruguay Adalah : Nigeria 0 : 1 Uruguay
Pertandingan Nigeria vs Uruguay ini di laksanakan pada hari Rabu 3 Juli 2013, Pukul 03:00 WIB. - Türk Telekom Arena, Istanbul.
28 June 2013
Prediksi Final Brazil Vs Spanyol 1 Juli 2013
Prediksi Skor Brazil vs Spanyol 1 Juli 2013 - Prediksi Final Piala Konfederasi 2013 - Partai puncak atau Partai Final yang mempertemukan Brazil Dan Spanyol tanggal 1 juli dipastikan akan menarik perhatian dunia, pertandingan akbar ini juga akan membuat semua mata tertuju pada final piala konfederasi 2013 yang akan digelar pada tanggal 1 juli 2013 ini.
Brazil yang lolos ke final usai menaklukkan uruguay dengan skor 2-1 dipastikan akan bermain ngotot demi merebut gelar juara piala konfederasi 2013 di depan publik sendiri, tentu hal ini akan menjadi motivasi para pemain tim samba.
Sedangkan spanyol tentu tidak akan tinggal diam dan tak akan membiarkan brazil merebut gelar juara piala konfederasi 2013, tentu spanyol akan membuktikan kembali dominasi nya di dunia dengan mengalahkan brazil di final dan menjawab asumsi miring penonton yang mulai banyak mengatakan tim matador sudah habis.
Meski bersusah payah mengalahkan italia di semifinal piala konfederasi brazil 2013, spanyol di prediksi masih akan mendominasi permainan dengan gaya sepakbola ala tim matador tiki taka, dominasi spanyol dengan gaya tiki taka begitu terlihat di semifinal saat melawan italia, di extra time 2x15 menit saja spanyol mengurung italia dengan hanya separuh lapangan, tiki taka juga akan menjadi andalan untuk menumbangkan tim samba, sebenarnya apa sih gaya sepakbola tiki taka itu ?
Tiki taka adalah sebuah gaya permainan sepakbola dengan ciri khas umpan umpan pendek dan pergerakan dinamis dan mempertahankan penguasaan bola, menurut banyak pihak tiki taka adalah pengembangan dari total football yang berasal dari negeri kincir angin belanda.
Melihat peta kekuatan tim brazil dan spanyol ini memang sangat sulit menentukan siapa yang kuat, yang akan menentukan siapa pemenang adalah siapa yang mampu mendominasi permainan dengan serangan serangan efektif ke kubu lawan.
Brazil mempunyai neymar dan hulk yang bisa membuat perbedaan di pertandingan ditambah lagi dukungan dari lini tengah brazil oscar, si muda belia tim samba ini memang sangat pintar mengatur serangan namun oscar akan adu taktik dengan jenius dari spanyol david silva, xavi, ataupun inesta, spanyol dan brazil memiliki gelandang gelandang yang sangat bagus yang sangat sulit dibedakan siapa yang paling bagus dan paling baik.
Tentu saja pertandingan yang sulit diprediksi ini sangat rugi jika dilewatkan anda boleh saja ketinggalan semifinal piala konfederasi brazil 2013 namun jangan sampai ketinggalan final piala konfederasi 2013 yang akan menyita perhatian dunia ini.
Prediksi Skor Brazil vs Spanyol 1 Juli 2013 - Pertandingan final piala konfederasi 2013 ini akan ditayangkan secara langsung oleh ANTV/TVONE Pada Tanggal 1 Juli 2013 Jam 05:00 wib atau jam 5 pagi WIB,
Berikut Perkiraan Susunan Pemain Brazil Vs Spanyol
Brazil : Julio César, Daniel Alves, Thiago Silva, David Luiz, Marcelo, Hernanes, Oscar, Luiz Gustavo Dias, fred, Neymar, Hulk.
Spain : Casillas, Jesus Navas, Sergio Ramos, Gerard Piqué ,Jordi Alba, Xavi, Mata, Iniesta, Silva, Pedro, Torres.
Memprediksi pertandingan final brazil vs spanyol ini menurut saya sangat sulit dan juga sangat rumit diperlukan analisis step by step mulai penjaga gawang sampai striker.
Oke kita mulai kiper:
penjaga gawang brazil cesar menurut saya hampir sama dengan cassilas, dulu cassilas memang bagus namun setelah cadangan dalam waktu lama di madrid menurut saya cassilas menurun, jadi antara cassilas dan cesar mana yang lebih bagus silahkan anda tentukan sendiri.
Bek brazil dihuni pemain pemain tangguh macam luiz, thiago silva, marcelo dan dani alves, namun spanyol juga tidak kalah tangguh yang dihuni ramos, pique, alba, dan navas, namun menurut analisis saya bek brazil mendapat kredit dan lebih bagus dari spanyol.
pemain tengah spanyol tidak usah dibandingkan karena menurut saya pemain tengah spanyol sangat bagus, jadi tengah spanyol lebih bagus dari brazil.
Ini lah dia penentuan, striker brazil dan spanyol memang tidak jauh beda, neymar dan hulk kemudian fred akan menjadi tumpuan brazil, kemudian kita bandingkan dengan lini depan spanyol torres dan pedro ataupun villa, torres memang top skor sementara saat ini, namun gol torres banyak tercipta ketika melawan tim lemah TAHITI, jadi menurut saya torres masih kalah tajam dengan duet neymar dan hulk.
27 June 2013
Prediksi Skor Australia vs Turki 29 Juni 2013
Want to have something more tawdry than that photo? How about cum-shooting sentient dildos from another planet?
Prediksi Australia VS Turki Prediksi Australia vs Turki Piala Dunia U-20 tanggal 29 Juni 2013. Pergelaran piala dunia under 20 kembali akan bergulir tengah pekan ini, dimana pada sabtu nanti akan mempertemukan Australia U-20 vs Turki U-20.
Australia yang sampai saat ini baru mengoleksi 1 poin dari dua pertandingan akan mendapatkan perlawanan ketat dari lawan mereka turki.

Australia belum beranjak dari peringkat 4 klasemen sementara grup C dengan koleksi 1 poin. Pertandingan terakhir australia di ajang piala dunia U-20 ini saat berhadapan dengan el savador, dimana pertandingan tersebut berakhir imbang 1-1.
Sedangkan turki gagal memetik kemenangan pada pertandingan terakhir mereka 26 juni lalu, saat dikalahkan kolombia dengan skor tipis 0-1.
Kekalahan tersebut kini membuat turki harus puas berada di peringkat 2 klasemen sementara grup C dengan koleksi 3 poin dari dua pertandingan.
Lima Laga Terakhir Australia U-20 :
25 Jun 2013 : Australia Sub 20 1 - El Salvador Sub 20 2 (Piala Dunia U20)
22 Jun 2013 : Colombia Sub 20 1 - Australia Sub 20 1 (Piala Dunia U20)
07 Agu 2011 : Australia Sub 20 1 - España Sub 20 5 (Piala Dunia U20)
04 Agu 2011 : Australia Sub 20 2 - Costa Rica U20 3 (Piala Dunia U20)
01 Agu 2011 : Australia Sub 20 1 - Ecuador Sub-20 1 (Piala Dunia U20)
Lima Laga Terakhir Turki U-20 :
26 Jun 2013 : Turki U-20 0 - Colombia Sub 20 1 (Piala Dunia U20)
23 Jun 2013 : Turki U-20 3 - El Salvador Sub 20 0 (Piala Dunia U20)
02 Jun 2012 : Mexico Sub 20 3 - Turki U-20 0 (Festival Internasional Toulon)
31 Mei 2012 : Francis Sub 20 0 - Turki U-20 1 (Festival Internasional Toulon)
27 Mei 2012 : Netherlands U 20 1 - Turki U-20 0 (Festival Internasional Toulon)
Prediksi Susunan Pemain :
Australia U-20 : Paul Izzo, Joshua Brillante, Connor Chapman, Curtis Good, Scott Galloway, Jackson Irvine, Connor Pain, Andrew Hoole, Danny De Silva, Adam Taggart.
Turki U-20 : Aykut Özer, Í. Durmus, Ahmet Yilmaz Calik, Cumali Bisi, E. Pülgir, Salih Uçan, Okay Yokuslu, Hakan Calhanoglu, Enver Sahin, Ibrahim Yilmaz.
Prediksi Skor Australia U-20 vs Turki U-20 by: Score88.com adalah Australia U-20 vs Turki U-20
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Prediksi Australia VS Turki 29 Juni 2013
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prediksi australia u20 vs turkey u20 28 juni
24 June 2013
Tiket Denpasar Bali - Jakarta
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Tiket Air Asia Jakarta - Bali 12 Juni 2013. Jual cepat tiket AirAsia Jakarta-Bali one way untuk 1 (satu) orang perempuan.No penerbangan: QZ
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23 June 2013
US$28.5M Business Proposal
27 April 2013
Check out For Monks Only
08 April 2012
25 August 2009
Some musings about a new Coatlism Book
07 May 2009
25 April 2009
Book Trailer #2, buy the print issue, and check out the news
17 April 2009
Lit Chaos Audio Submission Guidelines
Please find an "Ode to Spam"by Ra! Gabriel at Mad Swirl (be sure to scroll down) or read it pasted below.
Press 1 for Inbox/Press 2 for Outbox
Remember the old-fashioned kermit-style email?
I know some of you do. Those of you from back in the day:
When the monitor was green text on black,
before there was SPAM. A mere 13 years later: I press
SPAM and eggs
SPAM soup with ramyeon noodles
God SPAM America, no
SPAM bless America, yes
SPAM that I love…oops
I SPAMmed it again
"Where SPAMer, When SPAMer" in the album
SPAM service has SPAMkira soaring
to the tops of the SPAMboard charts
Latin SPAMerikan music
the SPAM is killing our thought processes
SPAM's better than glam
like SPAMzak;
"Ride the SPAM baby, yeah!" he SPAMmed
so she grabbed him by the ears and SPAMmed
"Give me your SPAM! yes! I'm SPAMming!"
He then pulled out and SPAMmed all over her face
which smeared her SPAM-up.
My SPAModerant is ruining my shirts
the tsunami left SPAM in the sea
but luckily none of the SPAM
were destroyed
Thou shall not SPAM
may the SPAM be with you
viva el SPAM!
very unhealthy yet profitable;
take the head of the meta
the tag
cut the meat
who knows what scraps and toenails,
who knows what diseases
sweep it all up
the broken links, the tags, the anchors
HTML, Coldfusion, ASP, JSP
and then,
it comes out like a pre-processed
slab o' shit
hard on
and hand job
See Britney SPAM naked!
- ra! gabriel
03 April 2009
Literary Chaos Print Issue #2

The Lit Chaos Second Print Issue is ready to order. It costs $8 (this includes shipping -- unless outside of the US, sorry)
Fiction & Poetry: David McLean 5 Artwork: Cecelia Chapman --------------- Right Click here and choose "Save As" to download the Print Issue No. 2 trailer to your computer. |
27 February 2009
19 February 2009
Experimental Writing Tip #3 by Tantra Bensko
Expanding the Notions of Character
by Tantra Bensko
Even experimental writers may find it easy to take for granted what a character is, as characters are defined in such a limited, predictable way in almost everything we see around us, from movies to books, but the range of what the potential is that remains to be explored is vast. Let’s push ourselves to throw out the old notions of what a person is, using characters in our fiction as a tool, and we can discover new glittering aspects of reality.
In this new quantum physics dominant paradigm, we are generally somewhat familiar with the continuum of consciousness, the interaction of all things. The outlines we pick for a person are almost random bits of this flux of particles moving into and out of this reality, into parallel dimensions. Yet, we still prosaically consider the self to end at the edges of the skin.
But the molecules are NOT captured by the sheathe of the skin, and they have been proven to have memory, and intelligence, communing with everything around us, and sensitive to our thoughts, and the words of those who speak to us.
We breathe in and out molecules that which have been in the lungs of countless others through history. Even the water molecules we breathe in and out have memory, and hold imprints within them. As we breathe them out, what effect do they have on the world, and what are THEIR experiences? Can we write from the viewpoint of the flow of molecules and their intelligence, moving from one person to the next? Or one animal to the next? The breath is a system of interaction between the output of plants and the input of us, and vice versa. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Even plants have been proven to have powerful awareness and interaction, memory, and so our closed system of being a human, or a literary character, could include the movement of a character’s identity as the plant beings moving into the stomach of the human and the intestines, traveling through the blood into the eyes.
Our labels of ourselves as closed systems are obviously random ways of corralling small parts of our interactions on all levels, as we are made up of all the experiences we have had from a controversial “beginning.” A “character” could be the statements made to a person as they are carried from one brain to another, making changes, and could be the visual stimulous of one person in the process of being branded onto the brain of another. It could be the movement of the actions of one person as kisses someone for the first time, the molecules of the lips interacting, the forceful meaning of the deep kiss being thrust into the receiver for ever and influencing his decisions his whole life, making a difference in his sexuality and beliefs about love.
How can we decide to contain or liberate a character’s edges, if we think about it anew? Does a character need to be a person, to begin with? Hasn’t that been done? Can it be a school of fish, a school of children as an entity, a vaccine moving through a person and causing the person to catch what it was supposedly trying to prevent? Can it be the energy of an aura being sucked by a vampire out of one person’s body and transformed into its new host’s mind? Can the characters flow from one parallel reality into the next, from one lifetime to the next, pulsing out of the moment, as some physicists claim time does? Can the character be a war, the brains within it like cells? Can it be a spring shower, the rain drops aware of all they land on, becoming those things?
Let’s play!
See more from Tantra at litchaos's self online interview site.
anyone interested in contributing a tip, please contact litk.os
link to "The School" by Donald Barthelme. This is a good example of using a class of kindergarteners as a character. Weird and brilliant stuff.
11 February 2009
Lit Chaos Issue #44 coming soon (15th Feb)
30 December 2008
Two New Books
24 November 2008
14 November 2008
Ra Gabriel for President

Ra Gabriel for President! Well he didn't quite make it, but he did interview Andy Riverbed. See next post for links and more info. On the right you'll see one of the drawings from Damaged -- Riverbed's new book, now available for pre-order from the Coatlism Bookstore (http://coatlism.litchaos.com/)
Also, another great piece by Aimee DeLong from Yellow Mama.
Norman Ball suggested a poster with every contributor's name on it for next issue. Anybody want to make a cool poster for it? If so, send us an email at submit.k.os (at) gmail.com and make your best pitch.
Also, don't forget about the Audio and Print Issue Submissions to the same address as above. We've received some very interesting stuff so far. Keep it coming.
11 November 2008
Andy Riverbed reads some Ra!
30 October 2008
What's on the stove?
A blog that litchaos.com suggests:
MOTIF XS (http://motifxs.blogspot.com/)
03 October 2008
Check out these publishing opportunities
- Coatlism Poetry Book Prize
- Lit Chaos Experimental Fiction Prize (If on a fall crack-of-dawn a web-surfer...prize)
- Audio Issue Submissions
Andy Riverbed chats with Ralph-Michael Chiaia in an Audio Interview
26 September 2008
The Moon is Out

Linda Lerner |
06 September 2008
A reminder
05 September 2008
Keeping in touch with you
27 August 2008
Taylor Gorman and Aimee Delong
22 August 2008
issue 39

Issue 39 is out!
Check out new work by the authors and artists on your right. There are links to litchaos.com first print issue, the book trailer of that print issue, the litchaos.com wiki, and much more. Come be a part of it. We are still publishing the best experimental work on the web and we're always looking for more.
16 August 2008
Amazon carries the First Print Issue of Lit Chaos
24 July 2008
Buy your copy of the first print issue ot litchaos.com

Poems, Art, and Fiction
101 Pages
$9.95 (shipping included!)
Coatlism Press
ISBN: 978-0-9802073-3-0
Book Description: a print collection of experimental work from the writers of litchaos.com
Table of Contents:
Alex Nodopaka, Jamie Eyberg, Carmen Firan, J.D. Nelson, Maurice Oliver, Cindy Rosmus, David McLean, Marty Esworthy, Craig Sernotti, George Anderson, Papa Osmubal, Doug Draime, JJ Deceglie, Daniel S. Irwin, Justin Hyde, Steve Ely, Julie Shapiro, Michael Fisher & Emme Hor and the Winners of the Cronopios’ and Famas’ Contests: Aimee Delong & Taylor Gorman
23 July 2008
Wanna get your read on? The First Issue of litchaos.com in print!

25% Discount Deal:
Google Express Checkout Deal: We offer a 25% discount if you buy all four Coatlism Press books with Google Checkout. You will receive four perfect-bound, handsome books by Coatlism Press. A retail value of $53.80 reduced $13.81 to $39.99. That's a 25% discount! CLICK HERE FOR GOOGLE CHECKOUT
Also, visit the Coatlism Press Bookstore, where you have more payment options, including credit card, paypal account, check, and cash.
Lit Chaos Print Issue #1 is loaded with ass-kicking experimental writing, the winners of the Cronopios' and Famas' Poetry and Fiction awards, artwork, and much more. It's 101 pages, perfect bound, and has cool front and back covers done by Jeff Crouch.
If you have a minute, check out the trailer for the first print issue:
07 July 2008
Issue #38 -- Chaos stock is rising

There are nine new writers out at litchaos, a poetry train (a collaborative kind of super-poem book), and opportunities to publish a full-length chapbook and be a part of the experimental poetry and fiction community. So check it out:
and truth is chaos
14 June 2008
A Translated Poem (courtesy of Alex Nodopaka)
Can you on earth be sought,
Or only when the sunsets fade
Be mourned serenely in my thought?
All is for you: the daily prayer,
The sleepless heat at night,
And of my verses, the white
Flock, and of my eyes, the blue fire.
No-one was more cherished, no-one tortured
Me more, not
Even the one who betrayed me to torture,
Not even the one who caressed me and forgot.
13 June 2008
Advertise with Lit Chaos in the First Print Issue

06 June 2008
04 June 2008
Willie Lepers
To check some new experimental writing, art, and videos visit litchaos.com
A Translated Poem (courtesy of Alex Nodopaka
Can you on earth be sought,
Or only when the sunsets fade
Be mourned serenely in my thought?
All is for you: the daily prayer,
The sleepless heat at night,
And of my verses, the white
Flock, and of my eyes, the blue fire.
No-one was more cherished, no-one tortured
Me more, not
Even the one who betrayed me to torture,
Not even the one who caressed me and forgot.
To check some new, experimental writing visit litchaos.com
19 May 2008
You have to check out the Literary Chaos Wiki - YES! Here you can do an online interview, promo your own works, and meet other writers. So, get to it and start to contribute.
$100 Prizes
Also, remember 1 June 2008 is the deadline for the Cronopios' and Famas' competition. Submit your flash fiction or poetry now.
11 May 2008
You can promote your book or anything else that you'd like
Promote Yourself
06 May 2008
Downloadable Art from Jeff Crouch
Click the nonsense Hindi that I wrote to download some art by Jeff Crouch. Right-click it if you would like to save it to your computer.
To check some new, experimental writing visit litchaos।com
01 May 2008
Beauty is Truth and Truth is Chaos!

About the content of litchaos:

08 April 2008
Character Stands Out! Tips for writing characters

I'm not talking about how to write a great character. I'm talking about tertiary characters. In other words, when a husband and his girlfriend are arguing in a subway, there are a bunch of people who watch and stare. When the husband threatens her, a man stands up and defends her. This man serves a purpose. It makes us aware of the escalation of the husband's argument. That's all this character should do. We do not need to know the emotional history of this man. We are interested in the emotional history of the husband. And maybe the girlfriend. Anything else will take away from the story of the protagonist and act to distract us.
Also, regarding poetry, many writers write from the first person perspective. There are some great poems with and about characters, or from the perspective of characters. You might want to have your character who is drinking away his depressions after his wife left him bump into a man on the street. He then gets angry at the man, or maybe he starts to cry and explain his sorrows. This will show us how drunk he is. Or maybe your poem is about a spoon and a necessary tertiary character is the napkin the spoon is resting on.
Whether you're writing poetry or fiction keep looking toward character. It doesn't matter if you're writing experimental literature or sci-fi. People love characters.
Tip of the Week for Writers is a service brought to you by litchaos.com. To get an email update, please join our mailing list (see the right column). If you're interested in writing one tip, please query litk.os@gmail.com with your topic.
07 April 2008
Final Month for Print Issue Submissions!
Literary Chaos has emerged out of the primordial slop. There are so many great things happening. We have just put out Lyn Lifshin's new book 92 Rapple Drive. If you don't have a copy, stop by coatlism.litchaos.com or coatlism.blogspot.com and pick up a copy or buy it from the Coatlism Bookstore on your right.
Also, the Cronopios' Fiction and Famas' Poetry Contest deadlines are fast approaching, so enter for your chance. If you use google checkout you will get to enter both contests for only $5. More details can be found below and by following the links to the prizes page.
We have noticed that many people use readers like My Yahoo, IGoogle, My AOL, Orkut, etc..., and we'd like to offer an RSS feed of litchaos.com. Just click the ashtray below to add litchaos on and you will immediately be linked with up-to-date information regarding contests, news, interviews, and now even writing tips. More to come, so get your feed now!
We are still taking submissions for the first print issue. This will be closing after this issue, so you only have a few more weeks. We already have many high-quality submissions.
And last but most importantly, we have five new authors showcased this month. So click the monkey below and enjoy this issue of litchaos.com
As always, feel free to pitch us any ideas. We have really enjoyed dialoguing with some of you.
We are starting to make podcasts of writing tips and other useful information so check back soon. Also, add our feed via email or your reader (My Yahoo, My AOL, Igooogle, Orkut, etc)
30 March 2008
Attention Writers!

Writers from litchaos.com are all invited to send a 250-1000 word podcast. Send mp3 or ogg files, plus the text. You can explain anything that you think other writers would be interested to know to help all of us with the craft. There are so many of you out there with awesome skills. If you'd like to share one. Here's the place to do it. You will get full credit and will be helping build this great community that we have.
Send your podcasts (or even just text, we can get a reader) to litk.os@gmail.com! And see tip #1 below.
27 March 2008
Lit Chaos Tip of the Week - #1

Every week, litchaos.com will upload a new tip for writers. We will give you information valuable to bettering your writing career. They are free. This is the first one. This one is about the importance of promoting yourself online. If you haven't already, get yourself a blog and promote your own writing. Tell all your friends, family, and acquaintances. Many sites help you find people like you who have similar interests. Add a few photos and links to where people can find your work and you'll establish a regular audience and loyal following. You will be surprised at how many people visit you. Where do you make a blog site? Blog publishing sites to consider are blogger.com, wordpress.com, wetpaint.com, and myspace.com. Then after you make your blog there are a few goodies to add. If you want to track how many people visit your site you can do so at sitemeter.com or goingup.com. You can earn a little bit of money with services like google adsense. You can add talking icons at voki.com. Surf the web and find many new and exciting goodies, gadgets, and widgets for your new site. The most important thing is that you post to your blog regularly. One thing to keep in mind, all of the services listed here are free.
This will be brought to you in podcast form by litchaos.com soon.
20 March 2008
Yes, A new wiki from litchaos
16 March 2008
Collaborative Work

This issue needs a bit of explanation. There are six new writers. That’s pretty standard litchaos.com, but this time there’s a collaborative work with nine pieces. Click #7 the collaborative project to get a short intro. Then you’ll be forwarded to a page with nine image tiles (thumbnail seen on your right) . Each one links to something. Choose an image and enjoy.
This project contains work by Andy Riverbed, Ralph-Michael Chiaia, Bae Soojin, Emme Hor, Moctezuma Johnson, Jeff Crouch, Aimee Delong, Binnorie, and Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal.
If you have an troubles viewing any page, please direct an email to litk.os@gmail.com
23 February 2008
22 February 2008

There is a load or a batch or a shot of new writers out. There's some fiction mixed in with the poetry and a virtual gallery "Spudadelic - The Temple of the Potato" by Jeff Crouch.
Next issue will have the collaborative work release. It's a mix of art, poetry, photography, and fiction. If you want to be a part, hurry up! Email the editors. There are few spaces to be filled.
The deadline for the Famas Prize is June 1st.
The deadline for the Cronopios' Prize is June 1st.
Go get your read on.
--Moctezuma Johnson
04 February 2008
Re-ordering Chaos
The contests in fiction and poetry are still open ($100 in prizes) so take advantage of these opportunities.
Also, we will be taking submissions for Literary Chaos' 1st Print Edition, so send your artwork, fiction, poetry or anything else you may think we would like.
All this and more at litchaos.com.
01 January 2008
Front and Center
Don't forget about the archives. There are many great pieces from previous issue. You can visit past issues or type in an author's name, topic, theme, word and let the search find something. (Example: "love feet" typed into the search box)
Support litchaos.com creator Ralph-Michael Chiaia by buying his 47-page chapbook of poetry.
All the best,
Moctezuma Johnson
21 December 2007
16 December 2007
Issue #30
A new issue is out. There are now sidebars on the writers' pages to link to other writers. I don't know why I didn't think of this before. We are still searching more flash movies. We're really into them. They come out great online.
Also, please visit Coatlism Press where Ralph-Michael Chiaia has a new book out called Ten Poems about East Asia and Kitsch Nebula Ampersands And.
Coatlism is also planning to print a new book of poems called 92 Rapple Drive by Lyn Lifshin.
03 December 2007
28 November 2007
16 November 2007
Issue #29!
new layout
new videos
new chaos
And introducing Coatlism Press
publishers of chapbooks and other
short works of art.
05 November 2007
Who is putting this chaos out?
Ralph-Michael Chiaia
Ra Gabriel
Moctezuma Johnson
Gabriel Roosevelt
and introducing
Jeff Crouch
Blowing up spots all over the world
07 April 2007
K-os #20
We are looking for Flash Movies. Call for all Flash Movies.
Also, Lit K-os is now coming out every two weeks. So please check, at least, twice a month.
--The Editor