23 June 2013

US$28.5M Business Proposal

Dear Sir, I write to appeal for your co-operation to enable us secure on your behalf a t r a n s f e r of $28.5M c o n t r a c t a m o u n t from the central b a n k offshore to your b a n k a c c o u n t. THE SOURCE Early last year, some c o n t r a c ts were awarded to a foreign firm for the repair and construction of oil refineries. The real c o n t r a c t value was $91.5M, butwe over estimated the c o n t r a c t to the tune of $120M. Now the c o n t r a c t b a l a n c e of $28.5M, which was the profit we envisaged is been left in an offshore a c c o u n t in Europe. All we require is your willingness as a foreigner to co-operate with us to enable us t r a n s f e r the m o n e y to your b a n k a c c o u n t as our indebted c o n t r a c tor. We have agreed that you take 25percent of the entire f u n d s, while 75percent will be for us. Please reply me back with your direct contact telephone number, so my colleague will contact you for more details. Much Regards, Mr. Hashim

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