19 May 2008


Wiki Wiki Wiki
You have to check out the Literary Chaos Wiki - YES! Here you can do an online interview, promo your own works, and meet other writers. So, get to it and start to contribute.

$100 Prizes
Also, remember 1 June 2008 is the deadline for the Cronopios' and Famas' competition. Submit your flash fiction or poetry now.

11 May 2008

You can promote your book or anything else that you'd like

Julie Ann Shapiro gave us the idea to have a section where you can put your own blurb. We are putting it on YES, the litchaos.com wiki, so that you can add and edit it yourself. So click the link and get involved in your writing community.

Promote Yourself

06 May 2008

Downloadable Art from Jeff Crouch

दोव्न्लोअद सोम आर्ट
Click the nonsense Hindi that I wrote to download some art by Jeff Crouch. Right-click it if you would like to save it to your computer.

To check some new, experimental writing visit litchaos।com

01 May 2008

Circus Chaos by Cecilia Chapman and Jeff Crouch

more at litchaos.com

Beauty is Truth and Truth is Chaos!

Cronopios' and Famas' Prizes are a great opportunity. Lit Chaos is still a very small, intimate website. With your help, we've created an online writing community and this is a chance for you to win some cash. You are not competing against thousands of other people, only less than 50 per contest. So take your chances and enter now!

About the content of litchaos:

Click the Lit Chaos Ezine to be taken to Issue #36.

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