24 November 2008

Ralph-Michael Chiaia reviews Dancing on Thin Ice by George Anderson.

14 November 2008

Ra Gabriel for President

Ra Gabriel for President! Well he didn't quite make it, but he did interview Andy Riverbed. See next post for links and more info. On the right you'll see one of the drawings from Damaged -- Riverbed's new book, now available for pre-order from the Coatlism Bookstore (http://coatlism.litchaos.com/)

Michael Frissore wrote a great review about Bill Maher.

Also, another great piece by Aimee DeLong from Yellow Mama.

Norman Ball suggested a poster with every contributor's name on it for next issue. Anybody want to make a cool poster for it? If so, send us an email at submit.k.os (at) gmail.com and make your best pitch.

Also, don't forget about the Audio and Print Issue Submissions to the same address as above. We've received some very interesting stuff so far. Keep it coming.

11 November 2008

Andy Riverbed reads some Ra!

Check out Andy Riverbed reading translations of Ra Gabriel's poetry (Spanish and English). Also, don't forget to click the newest issue of litchaos.com where you'll find an interview with Ra and Andy. You can pre-order Damaged, Riverbed's book, at the Coatlism Bookstore.

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