30 October 2008

What's on the stove?

Lit Chaos is putting the finishing touches and bubble wrap on issue #41. It's going to be a very special issue with artwork, videos, fiction, poetry, an audio interview, and an online chapbook.

A blog that litchaos.com suggests:
MOTIF XS (http://motifxs.blogspot.com/)

03 October 2008

Check out these publishing opportunities

Check the site for updated guidelines, opportunities, and new experimental work. We're assembling Issue #41 now with new videos, poetry, fiction, and more. 

Andy Riverbed chats with Ralph-Michael Chiaia in an Audio Interview

October 4th, 2008 -- Andy Riverbed and Ralph-Michael Chiaia got together for a phone interview. Chatting from Gainesville, Florida Andy Riverbed reveals some intimate details of his past including how he put together his new book Damaged, how he met Damaged artist William Joyner Jr., and how he found himself in boot camp in Puerto Rico. This interview will be in the next issue of litchaos.com.

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